Ah yes...I know I haven't blogged in days...it's been rather crazy (fun)...

Let me see...the Tale of Two Gates must have taken place on Monday...no, it must have been Saturday because Junior was here Monday.

Anyway, we (Aunt T, Philip, Joel, and I) were going to plink. I had tied Snip to the gate at the head of the driveway because I didn't want him down range. I fired one shot from my .22 rifle and ol' Snip backed up in fear. Guess what? He pulled that gate and it's post right out of the ground! Of course, the post, while practically a foot in diameter, was rotten off at the bottom...
That was the end of the shooting. Instead we built a gap gate. Then, after Aunt T went in, the boys and I built the gap gate I was intending on building when I first constructed the horse lot. Well, it was mostly Philip that helped...Joel was busy holding Snip off. It was the horse's suppertime and he was quite insistant that his feed ought to show up sooner than later. He even got so close that he nipped my backside. Stinker!

Now, that would have been more exciting if I had written it right after it happened...but I didn't. Sorry.

Then next adventure...Monday. Uncle Rod brought Rod Jr. over for the day. Rod was supposed to mow...it never did happen what with the battery being dead...the belt shredding...and then the engine quit...Anyway, Jr. drove Joel nuts. I was grieved to hear some of the language my young cousin was using. I scared him at one point and he swore...while laughing. It is sad. He's still a 'nice kid' but with his ADHD and the life he has had, you don't want to let him out of your sight.

That day we fixed the fence where the old tree--that ancient oak, had fallen. I also shot an armadillo. I think I went to town at least twice. Both times I had all three boys...at one point, Jr. had his toes jammed against my heel making driving difficult--he obligingly moved them once I mentioned it.

Tuesday morning we got a surprise. Uncle Rod dropped Cassandra off early. I wasn't dressed yet (I usually drink my coffee and read my Bible before getting dressed.) After I let her in, I explained that the boys were still asleep in 'my' room and that I would wake them when I went in to get my clothes. Well, she started to go in anyway. I have difficulty explaining exactly what I felt--somehow it wasn't modest. (You're thinking--what's the difference between me and her? I'm older...they are used to me popping in in the mornings...they probably know me better...and anyway, it just down-right irritated me that she was going to preempt me.)

Let's see...I saddled Snip up early (the bit went in really fast) and rode off to open the gates. The cows didn't rotate til later and I hear the boys went out and closed the gates. I let Aunt T ride Snip and then I gave rides :) 
Later, after lunch, Savannah and I loaded up and headed off. We were going to V.B. for a SCV meeting. (Why were girls going to a Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting? Why, we were invited, of course!) We left a little early because we were going to go to some pirate musuem and walk on the beach. Well, we got to the museum five minutes before it closed...then it started to pour down rain and flash lighting...so no beach walk either. We drove around for a while to kill time :) Fortunately, Mr. F. showed up at the resturant 30 minutes early. He is all fired up over my Cow Cavalry documentary and I am thrilled. I fully intended to write stuff down yesterday, but didn't...the explaination will follow. Anyway, Mr. F. is basically offered to get me into contact with whomever I would like and he has some suggestions on who to contact, etc. I will certainly get around to squaring my head up with the stuff...but I think I will wait till next week. Why? Well...other stuff is going on around and around here :) I'm going to be totally wiped out on Monday.

Okay...Wednesday. I started the day out in a skirt. I ended it in jeans, dirt, and grease.

Episode one: Shortly after breakfast, Aunt T and I went out to take a look at the mower. I tucked my skirt up the way I do and went to taking the cover off the mower engine. In just a short time I discovered the problem. The gear on top of the starter was broken! I went in and changed...after I washed off the grease that encased my arms from the elbows down. Savannah told the boys to get up if they wanted to go to the feed store with me...I was going there as well as the mower place. We hopped in the truck and it didn't start. We jumped it. (The boys had driven it the night before and I guess it quit on them at some point.)

Episode two: The first trip to town. As we left, I had Joel call Daddy and talk to him about the truck. He told us to take it in to Tex and have him check and see if it was the battery or the alternator. Well, I decided to just swing by there last, since it would be on the way home, and just not turn the engine off at any of my stops. First stop: lawn mower place. All three of us piled out of the truck, leaving the engine running and walked towards the bays. The owner walks out and says something like, "What you got?" (We had the starter and the whirly-gig in hand). I said, "A starter and this piece is broken." I'm not even sure he looked at it, but he went straight to the shelf and got the right part. I had mentioned it was a Murry mower...but still it was amazing. I paid him and then we hopped back in the truck and went to Bryan's. Philip stayed in the truck, but Joel got out and came with me. I ordered my two bags of 'Stock and Stable 12', paid and left. Next stop--Smith's. Philip again remained in the truck...at Smith's it was a good idea since I could not see the truck from inside. I got some dewormer for Snip and 4 bags of mineral. Then we roared off to Tex's. I walked in, tailed by my cousins, explained who I was, and what Daddy had said. So, Tex gets his alternator tester, checks it and says, "It's the alternator." We took our mower part and horse medicine out of the truck and I called Savannah, "Come get us!" While waiting for her so show up, I called Daddy to let him know what was up.

Episode three: Post-lunch...we went back to get the truck. When we got home we started to put the part on the mower...we just couldn't get that little clip thingy (I can't recall the exact name) on so Aunt T said, "Let's take it back to the shop..." We did and he put it on in no time and didn't charge us a cent :) (That's good buisness sense.)

Episode four: It was time to put out the mineral. The truck wouldn't start. So we hauled the mineral out on foot. Joel and I took a sack to the closest mineral tub while Philip headed for the one on the north side of the pasture. After dumping my sack I got the fourth sack and followed him. Joel jumped in the golf cart and caught up to me, so I climbed in with that 50-lb sack in my lap. We did carry it the last 100 yards or so--that way we didn't have to open the gate. Joel got on the runway and I handed the bag to him, then I dashed to the other side and he handed the bag to me (there is electric wire surrounding the runway). I took the bag the rest of the way. Poor Philip, having walked the whole way, was out of breath--as he said later, "It had run on ahead of me so I was just catching up to it." (Philip is funny in a slightly different fashion than Joel ;) ) Anyway...that was the mineral adventure.

Episode five: The fourth trip to town. Philip and I took the truck battery in to Wal-Mart. Philip carried the old one in and I carried the new one out. I felt sorry for the scrawy fella :) That and he stayed to aske the cashier a question. When we got back we installed the new battery and the truck roared to life!
As a side note...the boys mowed the yard to that day.

Thursday...I was really tired yesterday, but I still ended up doing stuff. The other half of the oak came down yesterday morning. I am really glad no one was out there...

The pump was leaking some and later in the day we tried a fix with glue on the outside...it helped some although there was still a slight leak. Granddaddy told us it was fine and to leave it be. He was in a mood yesterday where you don't cross him.

Joel and I went in and picked up my post hole digger handle while Philip finished mowing. Aunt T came in this morning and said it doesn't fit. Before I take it back I'm going to do some looking at it myself. 

Joel lost his hat yesterday somehow and somewhere...so, if you happen to find a camo Florida Gators hat with a blue back let me know ;) *grin*

After dinner, the boys and I went mudding in the golf cart. It was really messy but lots of fun! I certainly wouldn't want to do it very often, but I did have fun--I even hollered as we barrelled down the 'hill' to the mud-pit (about 6'x6' area down by the creek). We kept getting stuck and having to push the golf cart out. I don't suppose it really is the healthest activity for the cart to be engaged in, but it's kind of too late now. After the last time we got stuck--we only got out because I found some sticks to put under the wheels--we went back to the house. We knocked on Savannah's window and told her to get the camera. The result was hiliarious!
Now, as to what adventures today holds...other than K. and M. second wedding ceremony (so everyone can be there)...I have NO IDEA. I imagine I'll get into some kind of scrape before then...

See you! (And check out the Photos page...I'll be putting pictures up. And yes, I know I still haven't gotten July 4 up yet...I will sometime.)


Woo-hoo! (Hmm, I don't use that very often--it sounds silly!) I now have a YouTube Channel! And one measley little video on it! :) That happens to be my Florida Cow Cavalry Promo...Check it out and give me some feed-back. I got the idea Thursaday while doing the 'flooded creek shoot'. I did a couple of rough-draft takes on it that afternoon. Yesterday, after deciding on what I wanted to say, I went out there and blabbed at the camera for at least on hour and a half. 17 takes + some (if you count the 2-3 times in some clips). I used 4 different locations (all around the bayhead) and a couple different positions. I finally settled on a head-on, straight to the camera style. Once I came in and settled on the take I was going to use, I plopped down at the piano and played my rendition of Dixie half a dozen times. The one I used fits amazingly! (I think...)

Other than forgetting what I was supposed to say, or mixing my words up, the biggest thing that went 'wrong' was those stinkin' bull frogs! In a pause in the words, I'd get this big ol' "gruck". Actually is was kind of funny once I realized what it was. I was keeping a close eye out for gators and snakes! I was carrying the .22 pistol, not that that would be much good on a gator--unless I shot him right through the eyeballs...but anyway. I was thankful that it was just bull frogs and lizards interupting me.


'Bites' refer to the first part of the outdoor adventure. I shot some more video. I haven't looked at it yet, however, so I can't tell you how it looks. Anyway, I got some more creek shots (overflowed creek, by the way), and some of me standing there blabbing. I'm toying with a 'teaser trailer' idea. I found out that I can turn the LCD screen all the way around and so I can stand in front of the camera and watch myself! That was pretty neat. And no, I'm not being narcissitic--it really is helpful...that way I didn't have to record--then go check where I showed up at in the frame. I also used a filter, so I look forward to seeing how that turned out.

'Bits', 'Bucks', and 'Bounces' refers to the second, more grueling part of the afternoon. I first had to fight the bit into Snip's mouth. I didn't exactly lose my temper, but I came awful close. I'm tired of his dumb fighting. He knows how to take the bit--he just makes me work at it. Brat.

Almost as soon as I got on him and took him through the gate ('the' gate...ha! as many gates as there is on this property that is rather undiscriptive), the bad boy started to actually buck! Now this wasn't any of that half-hearted trying stuff that he's done before, either. I guess I'm an okay horsewoman 'cause I stayed on--even after my feet (or at least one of them) came out of the stirrups. I kept my head and a steady pressure on the reins. I'm a tad sore in a strange place, but I don't know if that is from the bucking or the other almost 'Racheal went flying' moment. That happened at the other end of the pasture.

Snip decided, as he streached his neck into a faster run, that he wanted to go down that little hill to the wet creek area. Uh-huh. Well, all was fine (as far as my seat went) until he skipped through a bull hole and continued his left-ward drift; speeding up as he did so. Left foot took to the sky. I came *this close* (hold up fingers) to cracking my head into the ground again. (If I had, at least it would have been squishy--that whole area is wet and boggy right now.) I hung on to the saddle horn, pulled on the reins, squoze with my knees (as hard as I could while bouncing down a hill), and tried to throw my weight to the left. Well, I guess it worked because I stayed on and got the stinker stopped.

He really wanted to RUN RUN RUN today. So even though it was hot, I ran him. There were no 'sweet Snippy' feelings today. It was 'Boy, you are going to behave.' I was somewhat more forceful--I'm thinking that is what he needs. Reading pro's writing they make it sound so easy: you ask--and give the animal time to respond--but some how I think they do a bit more 'making' the horse behave than they let on. Snip finally decided that he would at least pretend he was paying attention to me. It was after that that I quit. I needed a drink.

Stink pot. Anyhow...it isn't like I have even been naughty! :)


Some surprises, like the one I received this morning, are exciting. This surprise also put some new life into my fire over the Cow Cavalry.

You see, I checked my e-mail as usual this morning, really not expecting anything of any import. I got two e-mails of interest; but only one of them needs be mentioned for this post. A certain gentleman contacted me with an offer of any assitance that he could provide concerning my Cow Cavalry documentary! Of all places that he found out about me was off this here blog. He said that he stumbled on my blog while doing some research. Personally, I don't know what I said that made him so fired up interested; I went back and read what I said before on the subject and I don't see how any of it was that awesome. But anyhow, I shot off an answering e-mail and got another in exchange. To that one I also sent an answer, going into a little more depth about the project and what goes on in my brain.

On a related note, I really need to get down there to the creek and get some more footage before the water goes down. We have had a tropical storm over us for days so the water is up back there. But I'm sticking to the house today on account of the sunburn I contracted yesterday. Boy, is it a beaut! :) It also hurts in a couple of spots. It is nice and sunny, so that it is a bit of a bummer that I would want to stay in... 


That's the day in a couple of words.

First, we sprayed soda apples. Unfortunately we didn't finish (I think we could have, but anyway...) It was time to go in for lunch and then because it was perhaps looking like rain Savannah decided that we shouldn't bother (didn't want the rain to wash it off). However, it didn't rain at all. Savannah drove the truck and I did the spraying...most of the time I was actually walking around with the spray wand.

After lunch Savannah went and got vegetables. I messed around on the computer, drank my coffee, washed the dishes, and started to match footage to narration...which leads to the next point.

I had Savannah read my narration, both as a voice test and as an editor. The latter kind of just happened. She is my best critic :) I really would like a male voice so I may end up posting a 'Wanted: Male Voice Actor' in the Jobs forum on CF.org. I'm fully intending on doing that for the voice overs anyway. Anyway, that brought on a conversation about how we talk. I'm terrible at V/O (I guess I can call it that) because unless I talk REALLY slow I tend to slurr my words...and when I do talk very slow, it sounds awful and it makes my jaw hurt!

Snip and I had another 'bit-fight' but I won in the end. Then we took a gallop...or two...or half a dozen...or maybe even a baker's dozen :) In between we walked...and worked on spins...and backed...and sat...Normal stuff all :)


It rained today and it rained yesterday!!! Hooray! We reall, really, really needed it. Hopefully, we will get some more :)

No, I don't keep a diary...this here blog is the closest you're going to get out of me! I've tried, you know, but it never seemed to be interesting. Probably because I didn't have an audience...(I should blush here or something, but I won't.) Don't worry, I won't spill my innermost heart onto these pages...that's reserved for only certain people (only one of whom gets it on paper.)

However, I do want to talk about a diary. A young fella's diary. No, I don't know him. I can't, you see. Thomas Ellis lived over a 100 years ago, being a young man about my own age during the War Between the States. Anyway, I have read quotes out of his diary throughout my Cow Cav research and when I found out where the diary was...well, that's the really exciting part.

Yesterday, I contacted the curator of the University of Florida library (that being where the diary is kept). In a very short amount of time (much shorter than I expected!), he sent me an e-mail requesting my mailing address. Happily, I obliged with his request and was further thrilled by the information that a typescript copy would be mailed this morning! I hope to get it tomorrow. (UF is only in Gainsville...)

I forgot to mention (although you have probably already guessed) that T.B. Ellis was a member of the Cow Cavalry. He was one of the pickets during the Brooksville Raid and it is mainly for that that I wanted to read his diary-- for the eye-witness account of the incident. Quotes are likely to be forth coming and end up in the documentary.

Thrills! Research is fun! (Until you get overloaded.) It is also addictive. I probably will continue to file stuff away in my mental "Cow Cavalry" folder even after the documentary is completed! I'm like that.


Not too bad, but I was defintely starting to feel it by the time I got off Snip. I'm going to guess that it took between 15-30 minutes to get the bit in his mouth again today. Of course, it didn't help that he really thought he was going to get fed. Daddy had bought two bales of hay and two sacks of feed this morning and Snip was watching me while I unlaoded them. So he was really excited, only to find that his human had other plans in mind--like poking that blasted piece of steel between his teeth again. Poor Snippy. :)

Anyhow, he behaved fairly well most of the time. (I just realized I forgot to take my hat off when I came in...probably because I thought I was going back out.) We did some walking, trotting, loping, and galloping (not too much of that). I think that he might has slid a couple of times--very short slides, but still. (Unfortunately, I can't look at his back feet during this procedure, so I really have no way of knowing. But it kind of felt that way.) 


P.S. You will notice on the side bar a 'banner' that says "Save the Nuba". This is a branch off of the Persecution Project Foundation requesting people to sign a petition headed for Washington for the US to push for a 'No-Fly' zone over Sudan. This would entail that North Sudan could not (legally) fly over South Sudan to bomb them. I signed it...why don't you? Many of the refugees are our brethern!
I'm using the same title as I did over on my Director's Blog here...it works.

Basically, I have been sittin with my nose to my laptop, reading my narration (draft 3 still) and adding above each paragraph visual cues. Such as: {image of Capt. Hendry on horse--don't leave it static}. This captions the paragraph where you first are introduced to Hendry and the esteem that Col. Munnerlyn held him in. I can use that one picture for the entire paragraph so long as I don't leave it static!

Beside that, the director has also been making a list of b-roll shot's she would like to get (some of them a little less important than others--of course) and she has been compiling a list of possible foley effects. (I think I'm going to have fun with that one!) Along side all this, she (hmm, sounds like I've been reading Capt. Boggess' autobiography. He seldom refers to himself as 'I'; it's generally 'Capt.Boggess' or 'he/him' :) ) has been scribling down stuff like "15 or 50 thousand head?" and "Where was said Navy Officer from?" Now, those cryptic remarks may not mean much to you, but to me they speak volumes! (Well, not really volumes, but I know to what I refer :) )

I have now learned how to hold a urinal properly. Never thought it would come to this, but hey, when dealing with old men, you just have to get over it. No squeemishness allowed! As long as it don't bother him, it don't bother me. 

Grandpa has been really sleepy. He has also been eating alright. Not extravegantly, but eating sufficently. I don't think he's had a bowel movement (at least, not a real one) since he's been home, but then again, he hasn't eaten that much. The worst thing is that he lost a great deal of his eyesight in the hosptial--not enough nutrients.

Of course, Grandma has been in the house and the two of them go at it like usual. Blah, it can get bothersome. I still quite don't understand why, when they have been married for 68 years, that she hasn't figured out that when he's sleepy don't argue with him because he gets nasty (so do I for that matter) and says hurtful things he (most of the time) doesn't really mean.
There ought to be a new book review real soon...


Sooo, the meeting with Mr. Hendry was pretty successful, even though we didn't set a date for the actual interview. Instead, he sent me home with another stack of stuff to read (about 1/2 inch thick!), a few pictures, and an impression that this man is excited! Good. My 'job' this week is going to have to be: 1) reading the stack of stuff (some of it is on Hendry, some on the Battle of Fort Myers--Mr. H's specialty, some of it on blockade running, some of it on miscellaneous related stuff); and 2) transcribing the audio I recorded. (It's easier than writing it all down on the fly. I can't write that fast and listen at the same time.) While Mr. Hendry was xeroxing copies of stuff for me, I had Daddy sit in as a proxy and got two short room shots.

My impression of Mr. Hendry: other than the fact that he is fairly tall (I'd guess around 6 feet), and obviously has a job where he sits a lot--he is nice, is excited about history (at least this part of it), he has a sense of humor (probably some of which I missed--I'm a bit dull sometimes), and that he was enjoying himself. He helped me out on a few things--like how to spell Captain Hendry's wife's first name, and how to pronounce her maiden name :) Oh, and another thing, he enjoys telling stories...and he is very expressive with his hands. He waves them about as he talks, or drums on the table. He had a couple of rubber bands that he kept twisting around too. (I found that amusing for some reason.)

One of the pictures he gave for me was my favorite picture of Captain Hendry that I've seen. It is clearer than this copy.
Captain Hendry
In addition, I got a name or two and a recommendation to track down this book or that. I also got regaled with mosquito horror stories from both gentlemen present. (Makes me itch just thinking about it!) And then when Mr. Hendry remarked that the Cow Cavalry probably ate grits and salt pork, I got a hankering for a big ol' plate of buttery grits. (Which I can't have on the GAPS diet.)

Hmmm, that reminds me of a story about a legendary local cowhunter. Following, I quote from a book about him (however, I will leave out the name of both town and county--simply for security reasons):

'Bone was a frequent boarder at the [Town] House, a popular meetin place for [the]County cattlemen. One morning, having finished off a plate of grits topped with a quarter-pound of homemade butter, he ordered another helping of the same. His waitress became concerned about his eating so much high-priced butter. "Mr. Mizell, did you know that butter costs sixty-five cents a pound?" she asked. "Yes ma'am," replied Bone, "and wuff ever cent of it." '

Anyway, to get back on track, Mr. Hendry was quite helpful and I have work to do! See you later!


What!? Sorry...I'm both excited and nervous, thus the outbreak of strange noises :)

Tomorrow I'm headed down for a pre-interview session with Mr. Hendry. He has kindly said that he will submit to being interviewed by me (I wonder if he's guessed how green I am yet? If he's been to Sparks of Reformation Prodcutions and looked at my Director's Blog, it's possible.) With that in mind, I  have spent the afternoon screwing my head around until I have on paper what I want to communicate to our good Mr. Hendry. (Do I need to mention that he *happens* to be Captain Hendry's decendent?) I have 7 points on an outline--the worse sounding one is 'Pick his Brain'. Under this disgusting headline I have placed certain things partaining to the narration.

Anyway, hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow, Mr. Hendry will have a somewhat better idea as to what exactly this crazy young woman wants. Such things like--I'm by no means to be on camera (I did a quick shot of myself the other day--I do not look good on camera--but that isn't why I'm not going to be on camera--I don't want that kind of interview.) If possible I want personal stories about Captain Hendry--drawn from the question topics of course. (That way we don't get way afield ;) )

I plan on taking my camera (and probably the still camera too) and the Zoom with me, not to mention my clipboard with paper and pencil! I printed off the release forms that I will need...if he has pictures that I can use, I'll have to print off another one called a 'Material Release' to add to the 'Appearance' and 'Location' releases.

(By the by, the reports on my progress on this blog are much more fun to read than over on my Director's Blog. I don't have to sound as professional over here!)
